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Globally recognised and absolutely full to the brim with valuable professional development, the Q Grader program is one of the specialty coffee industry’s most valued certifications. Created and overseen by the not-for-profit Coffee Quality Institute (CQI), this course teaches and tests attendees on the detail of how to cup and grade green coffees. With CQI’s mission to increase coffee quality and the lives of those producing it, the Q Grader program plays a key role in establishing an international language for quality coffee.




The value of Q.


The Q Grader course is one of the best opportunities for professional development in the coffee industry. Aside from being one of the most widely recognised and valued international certifications, the Q Grader course has been refined and improved over many years, offering a comprehensive framework and language for quality coffee. Participants of the course gain a huge amount of understanding about the detail of what defines specialty coffee with an international context.


  • Truly calibrate yourself against an international standard.

  • Gain a certification to help you progress your coffee career.

  • Ensure your professional assessment of coffees is rigorous and backed by recognised protocols.

  • Learn an incredible amount about sensory analysis and how to taste and describe coffee!


Q Grader Full Course

Q Grader Calibration Course

Q Grader Resits

Thoroughly designed and full of the latest international standards, the Q Grader course runs over 6 days. The format consists of two complementary concepts: the first 3 days are all about theory and practice - providing participants with a huge amount of detailed, industry leading knowledge and practice rounds of the assessments to follow. Over the second 3 days, the student’s understanding of this knowledge is put to the test across 19 modules. These exams cover a variety of areas including evaluating coffee in the traditional cupping format and accurate use of the score sheet to identification of differing acids in coffee, green sample grading through to identification of aromatic compounds.

While there’s a lot of valuable instruction provided in the initial 3 days, a good basis of coffee knowledge and familiarity with tasting a range of coffee is recommended to embark on your Q journey. The Q Grader Training and Exam 6 day course is rigorous and some students may find it challenging to pass all 19 of the exams. Resits of some exam modules are available throughout the course week and students can return to a future Q course to finish off just their outstanding exams to achieve their certification. There’s no doubt that the Q Grader course is a big week of learning and sensory testing but I take pride in hosting inclusive, safe and supportive classes. We’ve got some tests to do but we always have a lot of fun and, along with discussing interesting coffee concepts and tasting delicious coffees, you're surrounded by a diverse range of knowledgeable and passionate coffee pros to learn alongside.


The 6 day, Q Grader Arabica course is $3500(incGST).


Upcoming Courses:
Melbourne: Monday 21st October - Saturday 26th October, 2024

You successfully achieved your Q Grader certification 3 years ago (plus or minus 6 months) and it’s now time to Calibrate! 

The Q Grader Calibration course offers you the opportunity to extend your current Q Certification for another 36 months and ensures that the global community of certified Q Graders has maintained their accurate use of the cupping score sheet and assessment of coffees.

THE FORMAT Running over a full day, the course offers a review of the latest updates from the Coffee Quality Institute, the Q System and effective use of the cupping form. Participants will then cup, score and debrief a non-assessed practice cupping flight. Following this, you will cup and score three further flights of coffee(6 samples each table): one Natural, one Washed Milds and one of either Africa or Asia. All Q Graders must be in calibration with each other and you will need to pass two of the three cupping flights in order to be recertified as a Q Grader. WHY DO IT? Maintaining a current Q Grader certification in good stead allows you to continue to promote your skills and this highly recognised award. Not only will the course offer you the opportunity to refresh your certification and get the latest updates on the Q System, it is also a great opportunity to step outside of your day to day context and re-centre your coffee assessment to a globally calibrated level.


The full day, Q Grader Arabica Calibration course is $700(incGST).


Upcoming courses:

Melbourne: Sunday 27th October 2024 (8am - 5pm)

You’ve embarked upon your Q Grader journey but need to resit a number of modules to finish up and gain your certification.


Resits take place during the full Q Grader course and participants are welcome to attend the relevant theory and practice sessions for their resit models in the first half of the week. The assessments will take place during the second 3 days (Thurs - Sat). You have 18 months from your initial Q Grader course to pass all of the exam modules - make sure to check in on your CQI profile to identify your specific timeframe.



1-3 Retake Units: $300

4 - 6 Retake Units: $500

7+ Retake Units - please contact me via the form below to discuss.


Upcoming Courses:​
Melbourne: Monday 21st October - Saturday 26th October, 2024


+61 439 511 881



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